EPC Update – What prospects for EU integration in the new phase of permacrisis?
YouTube, 20.11.2023
Online Briefing
This EPC Update took a closer look at the current situation and prospects for European integration in a world where fragmentation, polarisation, conflict, violence and pressures on our democratic principles are gaining the upper hand.
Panellists assessed Europe's response to the multiple challenges characterising the current phase of permacrisis, discussed whether the prospects for a 'geopolitical Union' are evaporating right in front of our eyes, and considered what the EU's role in responding to the war in Ukraine and the crisis in the Middle East tells us.
Will the Union manage to reform enough to meet the challenges of enlargement? How should the EU respond to criticism from the 'Global South'? What impact should changing realities have on the European Council's Strategic Agenda for 2024-2029 and the next European Commission's priorities? And what kind of major trade-offs will the EU27 have to weigh up in this context?
Speakers: Nathalie Tocci, Director, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) & Member of the EPC Governing Board; Fabian Zuleeg, Chief Executive, European Policy Centre; Janis Emmanouilidis, Director of Studies, European Policy Centre
Moderator: Jacki Davis, Senior Adviser, European Policy Centre
Link to video on YouTube here
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